IMPpress, my home based in Broadtown Wiltshire, UK) is one man, publishing company that has been producing poetry e-zines, books, pamphlets and workshop materials for over 16 years.
The IMPpress was first published in 2011 as a quarterly, free to read, on-line, digital ekphrastic poetry e-zine. Each edition had an invited artist and poet. The poet was invited to respond to the artists work. Contributing poets could expect their work to be illustrated using free images sourced from the internet by the editor.

Instructions for viewing a publication's contents
Click 2x on an icon to open the publication.
The first click opens a new page on the publisher's website.
The second click will open the publication in page-turn mode.
To enable browsing the pages can be turned by
clicking on the > at the right hand side or the < on the left hand side the publication.
I've been designing, creating and managing: network solutions, company-wide and personal software applications, websites, publishing poetry, conducting workshops, readings and writing poems for over 50 years.
Now retired, my occupations are grandfathering, poetry and writing web applications.

“Poetry is what in a poem makes you laugh, cry, prickle, be silent, makes your toe nails twinkle, makes you want to do this or that or nothing, makes you know that you are alone in the unknown world, that your bliss and suffering is forever shared and forever all your own."
Dylan Thomas
November 2022
and then I could dream
As I watch him and his twin sister twirl
and whirl around, lost in each other, lost
in their music, arms raised outstretched
as if in supplication, as if in flight
I see again those majestic cranes
dancing on ice; where balletic couples
assemble’ to impress, bodies arabesque,
pirouette and chassé. You’d think
having under-winged the Himalayas yesterday,
the day the twins ran a 5Km P.B. for charity,
they’d all be content to dance a slow waltz
At Last by Etta James, and then
I could dream a dream that I can call my own
of cranes, of twins, dancing together and alone.
At the top of the stairs, we pause.
Unsaid, the question of going down
standing or sitting, squats
on the step between us.
And there’s the complication
of who is to hold the cars.
But then I’m commanded to
Sit Baba, sit.
Side by side we begin
the bumpy slide.
No holding hands,
he’s on his own.
And as we slide,
step at a time,
I wish the stairs
would go on forever.
A decision made by Isaac aged 2
fabulous creatures
because you have been dreaming, the page’s white emptiness expands,
there are undreamt possibilities beyond its edges,
with the twenty-six you can circumscribe a world on this small sheet,
prescribe a cosmos before breakfast and your grandchildren,
asleep in the other room, whose futures already exist, the constant worry
under your pen, are busy inking their stories into who they are to become,
and could be for all you know, adrift in another reality, thinking like you
of fabulous creatures, their children’s children into being.
And what anchors you to them,
to this chain of possibilities, is perhaps your past and now
these small marks on paper like the oars’ dip and stroke,
with a sail hoisted, the loadstone’s star to steer a course already set
it’s not the transience of moonlight’s wake on the ocean.
It is your dreams.
you never
felt under your
thumbs was me
spiking your old
love letters. My
poems I folded into
origami boats, windblown,
when the delicate hairs
your neck failed to rise. But it was not that breeze,
but my lips brushing yours which gently blew
the fleet out to sea.
and get a poem to start the week each week

is a free website application that delivers a managed, fully functional, poets' workbook.
is OS and browser independent & has comprehensive, context sensitive, help pages and instructional videos.
includes Competitions, Magazines & Publishers lists that are regularly updated
poems can be categorised, tagged, filtered & sorted, and linked to external sources; the application will automatically manage competition entries, submissions to magazines & publications as well as readings.
is benign, functioning with & alongside your poem documents.
requires only a single data source - your poem titles
has a 'try before you use' demo facility
is GDPR & ePR compliant
does not make tea or other hot beverages
Comment on my poetry, publications or the website.
Send me a request for a poem or to give reading.
Drop me a line if you'd like to become a hummingbird early adopter.
(44) 07966 243620